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Curriculum Medicine at M.U. Varna


Curriculum Klinikum Med. Uni. Varna


Year 1 – Winter term

Subject Number of Lectures/ Seminars ECTSCredits Type of examination
1. Physics 30/60 7 Examination
2. Cytology, General Histology and Human Embryology 50/40 7 Examination
3. Human Biology 30/30 Certification
4. Chemistry 30/30 Certification
5. Latin Language and Medical Terminology 0/30 Certification
6. Physical education and sport 0/30 Certification
7. Human Anatomy and Histology 15/30 Certification
8. General Bulgarian language-А1 0/150 Certification


Year 1 – Summer term


Subject Number of Lectures/ Seminars ECTSCredits Type of examination
1. Biophysics 30/30 4 Examination
2. Human Biology 15/30 9 Examination
3. Chemistry 30/15 7 Examination
4. Latin Language and Medical Terminology 0/30 4 Examination
5. Physical education and sport 0/30 Certification
6. Social Medicine and Biostatistics 15/15 Certification
7. Human Anatomy and Histology 30/60 Certification
8. General Bulgarian language-А2 0/150 2 Examination

Year 2 – Winter term

Subject Number of Lectures/ Seminars ECTSCredits Type of examination
1. Disaster Medicine 15/30 ​3 Examination
2. Social Medicine and Biostatistics 30/30 9 Examination
3. Human Anatomy and Hi​stology 30/60 Certification
4. Biochemistry 45/45 Certification
5. Physiology 60/45 Certification
6. General Bulgarian Language – B1 0/120 Certification
7. Physical education and sport 0/30 Certification


Year 2 – Summer term

Subject Number of Lectures/ eminars ECTSCredits Type of examination
1. Human Anatomy and Histology 45/75 30 Examination
2. Biochemistry​ 45/45 16 Examination
3. Physiology​ 45/45 18 Examination
4. General Bulgarian Language – B2 0/150 2 Examination
5. Physical education and sport 0/30 6 Examination


Year 3 – Winter term

Subject Number of Lectures/ Seminars ECTSCredits Type of examination
1. Medical Ethics 15/15 3 Examination
2. General Pathology 60/30 4 Examination
3. Medical Psychology 15/15 3 Examination
4. Hygiene and Ecology 30/30 Certification
5. Microbiology 45/30 Certification
6. Pathophysiology 30/30 Certification
7. Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases 30/90 Certification
8. General and Operative Surgery 30 /45 Certification
9. Terminology and Communication in Medical Practice 0/90 Certification


Year 3 – Summer term

Subject Number of Lectures/ Seminars ECTSCredits Type of examination
1. Hygiene and Ecology​ 30/30 4 Examination
2. Microbiology 45/30 9 Examination
3. Pathophysiology 30/30 7 Examination
4. Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases 30/90 12 Examination
5. General and Operative Surgery 30/60 9 Examination
6. Pharmacology 30/45 Certification
7. Roentgenology and Radiology 15/15 Certification
8. Clinical Pathology 15/15 Certification
9. Terminology and Communication in Medical Practice 0/90 3 Examination
10. Clinical laboratory 8/8 Certification
11. Summer Practice after VIth Semester 30 days


Year 4 – Winter term

Subject Number of Lectures/ Seminars ECTSCredits Type of examination
1. Мedical Genetics 30/30 2 Examination
2. Otorhinolaryngology 45/45 3 Examination
3. Pharmacology​ 30/45 8 Examination
4. Roentgenology and Radiology 30/45 5 Examination
5. Clinical Pathology 15/30 Certification
6. Neurology 30/30 Certification
7. Obstetrics and Gynaecology 30/30 Certification
8. General (Family) Medicine 17/16 Certification
9. Internal diseases – Part 1 45/90 Certification
10. Surgery 30/60 Certification


Year 4 – Summer term

Subject Number of Lectures/ Seminars ECTSCredits Type of examination
1. Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 15/30 2 Examination
2. Occupational Diseases 15/15 1 Examination
3. Ophthalmology 30/45 3 Examination
4. Neurosurgery 15/15 1 Examination
5. Clinical Pathology 30/30 7 Examination
6. Neurology 30/30 6 Examination
7. Family Medicine 17/16 3 Examination
8. Internal Diseases – Part 1 45/90 14 Examination
9. Obstetrics and Gynaecology 30/45 Certification
10. Dermatology and Venerology 15/30 Certification
11. Surgery 30/30 Certification
12. Clinical laboratory 22/22 2 Examination
13. Summer Practice after VIIIth Semester 30 days


Year 5 – Winter term

Subject Number of Lectures/ Seminars ECTSCredits Type of examination
1. Orthopaedics and Traumatology 30/60 4 Examination
2. Urology 15/30 2 Examination
3. Аnesthesiology, Resuscitation and Intensive care 30/30 2 Examination
4. Obstetrics and Gynaecology 30/45 9 Examination
5. Dermatology and Venereology 15/30 4 Examination
6. Surgery 15/30 Certification
7. Pediatrics 45/60 Certification
8. Epidemiology, Infectious Diseases, Medical Parasitology and Tropical Medicine 30/30 Certification
9. Forensic Medicine and Deontology 15/0 Certification
10. Internal Diseases – Part 2 45/120 Certification
​11. ​Psychiatry ​30/15 ​Certification


Year 5 – Summer term

Subject Number of Lectures/ Seminars ECTS Credits Type of examination
1. Surgery 30/30 12 Examination
2. Pediatrics 45/60 10 Examination
3. Epidemiology, Infectious Diseases, Medical Parasitology and Tropical Medicine 30/60 6 Examination
4. Forensic Medicine and Deontology 30/30 3 Examination
5. Internal Diseases – Part 2 60/120 15 Examination
6. Psychiatry 30/15 3 Examination
7. Clinical Pharmacology 14/19 2 Examination


Year 6 – Internship

Subject Duration in days ECTSCredits Type of examination
1. Internal Diseases 85 16 Examination
2. Surgery​ 75 14 Examination
3. Pediatrics 51 11 Examination
4. Obstetrics and Gynaecology 50 11 Examination
5. Infectious diseases, Epidemiology, Hygiene and Social Medicine​​ 35 8 Examination
​​6. ​General medicine ​14 ​- ​Certificate for conducted training



Subject Number of Lectures/ Seminars ECTS Credits Available after Semester
1. Neurobiology 30/0 2 І
2. Philosophy 30/0 2 І
3. Medical Psychology and Sociology 30/110 5 III
4. Molecular Biology in Medicine 30/0 2 ІV
5. Immunology 30/0 2 V
6. Maritime Pathophysiology 10/20 2 V
7. Clinical Microbiology 30/0 2 V
8. Information Systems and Technologies 30/0 2
9. Modern Aspects of Clinical Pathology 16/14 2
10. Emergency medicine 16/12 2 VII
11. Support for breastfeeding 8/22 2 VII
12. Phytotherapy 30/0 2 VІІ
13. Fundamentals of Neuropsychopharmacology 30/0 2 VІІ
14. Modern Treatment of Family Sterility 30/0 2 VІІІ
15. Maritime Medicine 30/0 2 VІІI
16. Cardiology 42/0 2 VIII
17. Tropical Medicine 45/64 2 ІХ
18. Contemporary neuroscience: nanotechnology, personalized and translational medicine. 16/14 2 ІХ
19. Abdominal ultrasound in gastroenterology 24/0 2 Х
20. Introduction to Homeopathic Therapy 30/0 2 Х
21. Artificial Organs 30/0 2 Х


The structure of medical studies at the MU Varna is clearly structured. During the first four semesters students receive additionally an intensive language training in Bulgarian to enable communication with patients at a later stage. The sixth year consists of practical modules. Beside of compulsory ones there is a large catalogue of modules from which students can choose according to their personal interests.